Penis Enlargement: How Real Is It? How To Enlarge Your Penis - The Most Complete Guide

The size of the penis and the possibility of its enlargement is the most discussed "male" topic, where most complexes are born. At all times, men were concerned about this problem. They enlisted the help of Aesculapians and healers, who often mutilated the men.

From childhood through puberty, boys watch with curiosity as the thickness and length of the penis change. In the future, man is surrounded by more and more complexes, which run like a black streak throughout his intimate life. Studies show that most reps express doubts about their sexual abilities, citing modest penis size.

How to correct the situation and turn a handicap into dignity? Which technique to choose for quick and painless penis enlargement?

a man measures his penis and wants to enlarge it

A little of history

Studying the history of humanity, getting to know the national culture, traditions and customs, the attentive attention to the issue of the size of male dignity becomes evident. As early as the 16th century, concerns about this issue were reflected in the works of famous scientists.

Thus, Gabriele Fallopio, the first to describe the structure of the fallopian tubes in women, paid great attention to penis enlargement. He spread in every possible way the opinion that the length of the penis is of great importance for the future of man. Therefore, from infancy onwards, parents would insert small stones under the boys' foreskins in the hope that this would help stretch the penis to length. But these methods have led to nothing but infection and infection.

A calm penis or a penis without erection: what is the norm?

The length of the penis in a calm state is on average 12 cm, and its thickness reaches 2. 5-3 cm. If we consider the mean to be a relative concept, then we can safely declare the norm of 5 to 15 cm.

Consider times when the term can "shorten" drastically:

  • Taking a cold shower.
  • Fatigue.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Mental and chronic illnesses.
  • Post-ejaculatory period.

penis during an erection

The arousal state of the penis is characterized by lengthening and thickening. Thus, the length can reach an average of 15 cm, and the thickness - up to 5 cm. It is noteworthy that 90% of men receive an additional 3-5 cm during an erection, so the penis can reach up to 18 cm in length. However, there are also sexual "giants" that grow to 23-26 cm! The largest male genital organ, ever described in medical literature, reached 30 cm in length.

The Most Common Myths About Penis Enlargement

Myth 1. The bigger the penis, the more sexually active it is.

This myth remains just a myth, as there is no direct relationship between size, sexual desire and activity. The hereditary factor, the level of hormones in the body, the state of health, as well as the successful course of puberty come to the fore.

Myth 2. The owner of a big penis is a great lover

Of course, this is another illusion. Having great masculinity is not always proof of skill in intimate games. A small penis can bring a woman much more pleasure, as long as it is used correctly. Also, penis enlargement during an erection is weak, which also plays an important role in the minutes of sex.

Myth 3. Penis size can be "calculated" by the size of arms, legs or nose

Again, the statement is not true. There is no part of the body that indicates the size of the penis. The connection between body size and human genitals has not been proven by scientists.

penile shapes

It is popularly believed that male sexual dignity should be straightforward. In fact, a perfectly straight penis is quite rare. In some men, the genital organ may have a thickening in the middle, in others it may bend at the end, and in others it may be saber-shaped.

Most men face the problem of normal perception of their organ since adolescence. Against this background, a series of complexes are acquired and uncertainty arises in the body itself. However, this feature is quite normal and quite comparable to other individual features such as facial features.

Often, pictures from men's magazines or erotic videos make the strong article's representatives think that this demonstration is an ideal and an example to follow. But it should be borne in mind that, for such images or plots, model-like people are selected who have certain data, even in intimate places.

Penile Enlargement: When Is Surgery Needed?

In their consultations, specialists in most cases claim not physiological but psychological defects. Often organized and correct conversation can lead men's thinking in the right direction and free themselves from their own complexes. But, unfortunately, there are direct indications for a penis enlargement.

  • Medical: small penis syndrome, epispadias, hypospadias, cavernous fibrosis, trauma consequences.
  • Functional: male aging syndrome (decreased elasticity, subcutaneous fat), hidden or membranous penis.
  • Aesthetics: penile dysmorphophobia.
  • Each case requires a systematic examination to discover the reasons for the underdevelopment of Organs genitals in men. Penile augmentation is performed only in cases where the patient complains about the impossibility of having sexual intercourse, but if there is no problem with this, the operation is considered optional.

    Various techniques: operations to lengthen and thicken the penis

    Nowadays there is a wide variety of plastic surgeries and several correction techniques for different parts of the body. You can reshape your breasts, shrink your hips and belly with liposuction, and even tighten your vagina. Are there penis enlargement techniques? Consider the entire existing arsenal.

    penis enlargement surgery

    Penile augmentation with massage

    There are many massage techniques to correct the shape of the penis. The most common is jelqing. Its essence lies in performing special massage movements, stretching the penis with your hands for 30-60 minutes. At the time of technological progress, this technique was transformed into special devices called extenders.

    The extender must be used daily for 3 to 12 hours a day for at least six months. The time for such a massage can be divided. The advertisement claims that, with the help of this device, it is possible to increase the penis by 7 cm in a year. But in practice it turned out that only 2 cm. Although this is also a pretty good result.

    Penile enlargement with medications

    This technique includes the injection of fillers based on hyaluronic acid. This procedure is indicated for those whose glans is disproportionately small. With the introduction of these drugs, the head can be increased by 30%. However, the effect of this procedure lasts for about a year. This is the time it takes for hyaluronic acid to dissolve.

    penile augmentation surgery

    It is better not to enlarge the head through surgery. There are methods when a special matrix is used, which is installed between the head and the corpora cavernosa. However, this technique is very dangerous and can lead to necrosis and, as a result, head loss. In someone whose penis is hidden deep in the pubic fat because of the short superficial fascia, the fatty tissue is removed and the ligaments are dissected.

    By introducing the patient's own fat cells under the skin of the penis, an increase in penis thickness can be achieved. This operation is called lipofilling. The modifications of this operation are the introduction into the penis of an organic matrix with the patient's connective tissue cells or the introduction of a flap taken from the rectus abdominis muscle.

    Ligamentotomy - Penile Enlargement Surgery

    Implantation is most often performed in men who have had surgery in the rectum, bladder and prostate area. There are many types of dentures. The most acceptable of these are inflatables with variable stiffness. To enlarge a penis with a normal erection, such operations are not performed.

    Penile enlargement: errors, complications and dangers

    Any surgical intervention is fraught with several negative consequences in the future. Likewise, penis enlargement surgery is not without the risk of developing specific complications and side effects.

    As you know, plastic surgery has two goals: excellent aesthetic and functional results and patient satisfaction with the result of the operation. An unfavorable obstacle is the development of postoperative complications and the low evaluation of results by the patient. Effective penis enlargement and the absence of negative reactions depend on the following factors:

    • Sufficient experience and skill of the surgeon.
    • Realistic patient expectations.
    • Application of modern techniques.
    • Compliance with all medical prescriptions in the postoperative period.

    It is possible to increase the thickness of the penis

    Regular and consistent performance of certain manipulations can contribute to an increase in penis size in diameter.

    Almost all techniques are based on the property of body tissues to grow with increased blood flow. Under these conditions, cells begin to divide more actively and tissue growth occurs.

    What are the ways to make the penis thicker

    Penis enlargement can be safely accomplished in a number of ways, but all require patience and regularity.

    The 4 most common ways to get a thick penis:

    • pump vacuum;
    • extender;
    • manual technique;
    • surgical intervention.

    manual technique

    A method distinguished by its simplicity and the absence of any accessories, which helps both in length and width. Its popularity is also due to the absence of the risk of harming the organism.

    The end result is doing multiple exercises. Manipulations performed in an erect state will bring maximum benefit. In the early stages, the load should be light and, over time, the intensity and complexity of the exercises increase.


    • The procedure starts with caressing.
    • With the help of pressure gains, they achieve.
    • One hand is placed at the base of the penis, the other gently pulls the head. This action lasts for 1 minute, then the pressure is gradually reduced.
    • Holding your head with your hand, pull until you feel a slight pain, leave this position for 30 seconds, release and after resting for 10 seconds, repeat again.

    The disadvantage of this method is the fragility of the result. After a while, blood circulation returns to normal, the penis regains its original parameters.

    The extender is a device that painlessly enlarges the penis. These devices are less common than vacuum pumps, but they are very effective and, according to manufacturers, are not capable of harming the body.

    penis enlargement extender

    How to use the device:

    • The resting limb is fixed to the device.
    • Using a special mechanism, the organ is pulled.
    • Leave in this position for some time. Due to external influences on the tissues of the organ, the growth of new cells is activated, there is an increase in the volume and length of the penis.
    • The pulling force increases slightly each week.

    The course of treatment lasts from several weeks to a month, but the first positive changes can be seen after 14 days.

    The undisputed advantage of this method: the achieved result is maintained until the end of life.


    Surgery aimed at increasing the thickness of the penis is one of the most serious and difficult methods. To reach the desired size, adipose tissue or part of the muscles of the man's abdomen is used. As a result, the penis is 1–2 cm larger in volume.

    It is difficult to decide on such an operation: it has a long recovery period and the risk of complications.

    Possible consequences include:

    • change in organ shape;
    • the appearance of bumps;
    • loss of sensation and pain during erection;
    • necrosis of transplanted tissues and others.

    Once you have learned how to thicken your penis and chosen the appropriate method, you can begin to resolve the problem.

    Herbs that increase blood flow to the penis

  • Try the ginseng.The ginsenosides contained in this plant stimulate the nervous system. There is no conclusive scientific evidence on the effects of Korean Red Ginseng on the penis, however, studies in South Korea have shown that men who took red ginseng extract tablets for several weeks reported better sexual function.
    • Ginseng has contraindications and side effects for heart disease, insomnia, cancer and other conditions. Check with your doctor before taking ginseng.
    • If you plan to take a ginseng supplement, make sure it contains 500 mg of Korean Red Ginseng extract.
    • As nutritional supplements are not as closely monitored as medications, choose a well-known and reputable brand.
  • Try ginkgo biloba.This plant is used to improve memory and also promotes blood flow to the penis. Research from the University of California has shown that ginkgo is more effective for men with antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction. However, other studies have shown no effect of ginkgo. However, scientific evidence is lacking, given the positive effects on memory and the low number of side effects, it may be worth a try.
    • Ginkgo is available as a tea or capsule. Both forms are sold at pharmacies.
    • Do not use ginkgo if you have already had a seizure or are using anticoagulants. Talk to your doctor before starting ginkgo supplements.
  • Try Peruvian maca supplements.The powder from this plant is known as an aphrodisiac. It contains active ingredients - macamids, which are supposed to energize and help a man maintain an erection for a long time. As there is no scientific evidence for this plant, care must be taken when using it. Consult your physician before using this supplement.
  • Supplements with L-Arginine.This amino acid increases blood flow, which contributes to penis enlargement during an erection. A Tel Aviv University survey found that some men felt the benefits after taking an L-arginine supplement for 6 weeks. Typically, this supplement can be found at health food stores or ordered online. The recommended dose is 1 gram three times a day.
  • Eat watermelons.Drinking watermelons can increase the size and duration of an erection. Watermelon contains the amino acid citrulline, which is converted to arginine in the body and causes blood vessels to dilate. The fact that there is citrulline in watermelon is a godsend. Unfortunately, so far there has been no research on how much watermelon should be eaten to have any effect. Despite this, watermelon is considered a very healthy product for male health, so it won't get worse if you eat a little more in season.
  • Natural Methods to Increase Penis Size

  • Exercise regularly.Exercise improves blood flow and strengthens arteries in tissues, including the penis. If you don't exercise, the potential for penis enlargement is not fully explored. It is recommended that you exercise for an hour every day, whether swimming, running, walking or cycling. Any physical activity will improve blood flow to the penis.
  • Do pelvic floor exercises.There are no penis-specific exercises, but there are exercises for the pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor muscles compress the veins, which helps to maintain an erection. Kegel exercises can help you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Studies in England showed that men who did the Kegel exercises had better sexual function than those who made certain lifestyle changes but didn't do the exercises.
    • Feel your pelvic floor muscles and tighten them as you stop urinating.
    • Tense and relax your muscles 8 times. Relax and do 8 compressions again. Do 3-4 sets.
    • Train every day for maximum results.
  • Lose belly fat.Men who have a fold of fat hanging from their abdomen have a smaller penis. Losing belly fat is not an easy task, but it is important for penis size assessment. Take steps to reduce weight and you will find that fat is evenly removed from all areas. According to a Harvard University study, men with a waist of 105 cm are 50% more likely to have erectile dysfunction than men with a waist of 80 cm.
    • Regular physical activity contributes to weight loss. We recommend cardiovascular and strength training.
    • Eat meat, fish, whole grains, beans, vegetables, fruits and vegetable oils.
    • Eliminate processed and refined foods as well as sugars, starches and hydrogenated oils.
  • Try out special devices.There are several simple, non-invasive techniques that can be used to enlarge the penis, as well as prolonged erections during sex. If you want a bigger size and a longer lasting erection without the use of drugs and invasive techniques, try the following:
    • cock ring. The ring is used to keep blood in the penis during an erection. Your penis will temporarily get bigger and harder.
    • Penis pump. A vacuum pump is placed in the area around the penis. When you use the hand plunger, blood flows into the penis and stays there for a while.
  • penis enlargement ring

    Preparing the phallus for the start of the procedure

    Wrap your penis with a soft, damp cloth and hold it for three minutes, then remove the cloth for a while. Then repeat your actions several times and dry your penis, they make the skin more elastic and increase blood flow to the glans.

    This should be done at all times before starting penis enlargement exercises at home.

    stretching technique

    Regular stretching and squeezing of the penis can not only increase its size but also prolong an erection.

    There are several variations of this technique:

  • This is the most common technique. Take a relaxed penis in your hand, squeeze your head just enough so it doesn't impede blood circulation. Then start pulling it away from you for 5 minutes until you feel uncomfortable. Take a minute to rest. Then, to restore blood circulation, massage it in a circular motion about 30 times. Repeat these exercises 5 times in different directions, the last one should be stretched away from you. When finished, lightly press about 10 times.
  • Contract the head of the relaxed penis and stretch without hurting yourself. Fix this position for 30-40 seconds. To relax. Continue the exercise, gradually increasing the stretching time to 20 minutes, resting for at least 10 minutes.
  • In that case, the elongation of the penis will be in a calm and aroused state. First, press three fingers of one hand on the point between the scrotum and anus. With the other hand, move the penis back and forth while stroking the head until fully aroused. Then grab the base of the penis and pull it forward 3-4 cm, then begin to rotate it 36 times in both directions. After completing the exercise, tap both legs alternately starting from the inner thigh 36 times.
  • traditional medicine vs size

    "Green" products include two groups:

    • exercise exclusively without diet;
    • the use of funds (herbs, tinctures, different types of tea).


    In the first group, several techniques are distinguished. They all predominantly include massage. It helps to make the penis longer and thicker, it increases your libido - sexual desire. One of the popular forms of massage is jelqing. Its essence is to fill the cavernous bodies of the penis with blood.

    Thanks to jelqing:

    • blood circulation is stimulated;
    • the pressure inside the penis increases;
    • cavernous fibers grow;
    • new cells are formed.

    A more difficult way to get a relatively big penis is to use a vacuum pump. Its principle is to create an area of low pressure around the penis. This is a type of cylindrical device equipped with a pump. The organ is placed there. Inside, the air is pumped out, due to the resulting pressure, blood flow increases and "swelling" occurs.

    An option such as an extender can also be helpful. It is a mouthpiece-shaped device that stretches the organ's tissues. The result of its use is quite lasting, and you can practice this method daily.

    Also, there are several devices that are used directly during sex. They instantly increase the length and volume of the penis, but the action is usually short-lived.

    To remember! Before using any of the selected exercises, familiarize yourself with it by watching a special video on the Internet. If while performing any of the above, painful sensations appear, stop your actions immediately!

    special means

    Enlarging the penis by popular methods is not just limited to exercise. They can be combined with additional funds. For example, some artisans use baking soda to enlarge the penis and increase its elasticity. One hour before the supposed intimacy, a special bath is made and a limb is placed in it (in a non-erect state). A soda and honey compress is a great alternative. The resulting mixture must be applied over the entire length of the organ, without affecting the head. Otherwise, the solution will "pinch" heavily.

    Many people take various herbal teas, which, along with exercise, increase the positive effect. In the most popular list:

    • hawthorn;
    • ginseng;
    • tribulus;
    • Dubrovnik;
    • Saint John's herb;
    • broom.


    Creams, gels, ointments and sprays differ in solving the problems of a small penis. For the duration of the effect, they are:

    • short term;
    • long term;
    • assistant.
    penis enlargement gel

    The first ones are applied immediately before sexual intercourse, as they don't last more than two hours. Long term are used for a long period and according to a certain scheme. The third group can be combined with any option.